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My Story

Below is a snippet from my upcoming book which will be self-published towards the end of 2024.

Old Book

For some time, I looked upon my 20’s despondently; ‘I achieved nothing’, I would tell myself.


Bursting onto the scene like a true young-gun, I became a jack of all trades and a master of none. From DJ, to property investor… to primary school teacher. With various filler-jobs in between, my lack of commitment spiralled. Incompletion was everywhere. Annual goals became 12-month cycles of failure. And where social expectation scratched away, disappointment and insecurity spawned.


But when I re-framed it all - with a ‘decade-perspective’ - things changed. I had achieved and experienced a huge amount over the course of 10 years. Maybe not as I would have hoped during the process, but connecting the dots brought about a different picture. It was complete. There was purpose. Failures became learnings. Growth had unfolded, naturally. I began to feel a sense of acceptance, and forgiveness.


That's when I thought to myself; ‘If I can do all of THAT in ten experimental years, what could I do in a decade of clarity and focus? What sort of life can I shape with an unbreakable ten-year commitment?


With nothing to lose; I leapt into the question!


I focussed on being, as opposed to having. I wanted to create an Adventurous, Beautiful and Contributing life. So I committed to live and breath these ‘ABC’ values for 10 years, and simply see where they take me.


That journey began on 1st January, 2012. And as I reflect upon that decade after its completion, I know the time has come to share my story, and - more importantly - the positive impact ABC values gift us; individually and collectively. Which brings me to now, with you.


In (my upcoming) book, we are going to revisit an enchanting and pivotal chapter within my decade commitment. As readers will learn, It all began with a reckless leap of faith arising in an early-morning moment of craziness. Driven by my need for change. I wanted to break from the London rat-race and deepen my understanding of Adventure, Beauty and Contribution - these three root values. What unfolded was a chapter of insane transition and change over a ridiculously short time-period.


Immense insight, deep reflection, painful surrender and unimaginable growth. This is a journey that put me firmly on a life path that I could previously never have imagined - but one that now makes complete sense. Arming me with the experience and authenticity I once craved. Experience I hope will inspire you to take your own LEAP of faith, trust in life and then go with the FLOW.


Above and beyond anything else, my message through the book is that life will take care of you, if only you push beyond comfort zones and then trust it to. Granted, it's easier said than done, but the juice it worth the squeeze…. you need to know your only job is to: LEAP!… and FLOW.

For updates on the book release, follow my Instagram: @BenjaminLeeABC
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